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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

kimchi morning

Because it just doesn't make sense to spend my day off sleeping in and resting this nasty cold away. Oh no, I was up at 7AM this morning, squeezing the salty water out of some napa cabbage which had been sweating overnight. It seems that when I'm sick these days, I often find myself in the kitchen engaged in some sort of salted, chopped vegetable ferment. Forget instant gratification - it's not like I'm hungry anyway. The process of fermentation is almost curative for me. I can feel mucous loosening as I breathe in the sharp smell of salty garlic and green onions. Now if only I can keep the snot out of the bowl.

This is my first time making kimchi, and I have loosely followed various recipes. Some call for rice starch and sugar, but I didn't have any of that. 

1 head napa cabbage 
1 bunch green onions
1 carrot, thinly sliced
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
red pepper flakes
1 t cayenne pepper
1 t sweet paprika
1 T fish sauce

Sweat the cabbage overnight with a goodly amount of salt (in a non-reactive vessel) and squeeze out the water in the morning.  Combine remaining ingredients, pound together until juicy. Pack vegetables into a jar as tightly as possible. Keep in a warm place and allow to ferment 3-4 weeks. 

I will let you know how it turns out.

Monday, February 20, 2012

aven finley

You know you're getting old when all of your friends start having kids on purpose.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

a new blog.

When I was small, I was obsessed with the idea that I would never grow up. Despite the assurance of my family members that eventually I would learn to ride a bike, do laundry, and even drive a car, I remained sure that I would be five years old forever. Time seemed to stand still, each passing moment offering no guarantee of my growing body and mind. 

At some point between then and now, I guess time sped up.In college, I used to look in the mirror and wonder what in the world I was going to do with my life, what my next move would be. Now I look in the mirror and think "You're really beginning to get the hang of this." 

This is a chronicle of me, growing up every day.